Rampant criminality is due to corruption

It is of public knowledge that this morality problem continue to exist and is getting worse despite efforts to stop it. I believe that this kind of problem can only be solved through the collective efforts of everyone.

It is unfortunate that all these years, evil continue to prevail in our country despite those who profess to be good outnumber those who are evil. This is simply because good men and women who know ws when our needs were simple, so simple that nothing mattered to us but to live and die in peace. Some of us faded away into oblivion to join the endless caravan of their departed forefathers who once upon a time led a simple and frugal life. However, as the years went by, many people started to embrace a wrong attitude towards life. At this point they became materialistic to the extent of committing more wrongdoings just to satisfy their needs.

In my view, what is happening now is the product of parental neglect, or failure to properly raise their children in the formative years to become better children of God and better citizens of tomorrow.

In connection with this, I am citing an anonymous passage: his name is TODAY. It says that we are guilty of many errors and many faults. But our worse crime is abandoning the child, neglecting the fountain of life. Many of the things we need can wait. The child cannot. Right now is the time his bones are being formed. His blood is being made. His senses are being developed. To him we answer TOMORROW.

As a concerned citizen who loves our country, I cannot just take this problem sitting down without doing anything to solve it. It is therefore in this context that I formed a movement called “Crusade For A Better Youth of Tomorrow” by inviting everyone to join and help raise a new breed of Filipinos in the generations to come. In support of this undertaking, I authored the Pinoy Child book, a 1997 national best seller, a complete and comprehensive guide to proper child-rearing, with over 400 illustrations written in English/Tagalog. It provides all the four essentials of child-rearing: Health, Care, Safety and Education... in easy-to-read illustrated presentations, its launching envisions a “better youth of tomorrow” and carries with it an ardent hope of reviving the good old traditional Filipino values. This will ensure a just and upright society for the generations to come... by producing leaders and citizenry equally reared by the prescribed code of ethics in early childhood and personality development, whose emphasis on moral, social, psychological as well as the spiritual well-being of every individual is the salient factor, for this will reflect in a person’s general performance as an adult. In the end, we can but expect a peaceful and happy life for all.

Lastly, with all due respect, I humbly appeal to our politicians to help eradicate this menace by encouraging their respective constituents to support my advocacy which is of national interest.

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