
MANILA, Philippines - Overpopulation happens when the increase in the population of a place results into insufficiency of space, food, water or other resources available to support it. It is one of the many problems the world faces today. Countries like China, India, Thailand, Bangladesh and Philippines are examples of overpopulated countries. One good example of a country whose people are dying and suffering due to overpopulation is Africa. It’s not a crime to have many children for as long as you can support them and provide for their needs. But the problem is you know you are hardly able to support yourself… how much more your children? So why bother to have more children if you know that not only yours but also their lives would not be easy?

One of the reasons why people keep producing babies is that they have nothing to do and they don’t have jobs, while others who are poor dream of becoming rich or just average someday. Their solution is to make more babies so that in the future their children would help to support them. But they do not realize that children needed to be raised well, to finish their studies so that they would find good jobs. If not there is the possibility that they would also end up in the same situation of poverty. Nowadays most professionals migrate to other countries or other places to have a better life and more income so that they can provide for the needs of their family. In overpopulated countries they cannot give higher salaries because more people are looking for jobs but the demand is too low. In countries like Thailand you won’t see many street children or people begging in the streets, instead they get busy earning a living like selling goods.

Overpopulation causes problems like pollution. The more people the more garbage. Due to overpopulation more cars and other means of transportation that produce harmful smoke are needed. It would not be a problem if the people know how to dispose the garbage properly, but mostly garbage are strewn everywhere.

In my opinion the solution to overpopulation is family planning, but then I think overpopulation would not be a problem if the government of a country provides more jobs in order to accommodate everyone and it would not be a burden if the citizens are disciplined enough to be more responsible, thinking ahead of the consequences of their actions. If you were not born rich, you should be responsible and strive hard for the betterment of the family.  

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