So who's recruiting minors?

Last June 25, 2011 an encounter between government forces and NPA rebels in San Agustin town, Surigao del Sur resulted to two dead rebels and the capture of three child warriors with ages 10-12 years old.

This is a serious evidence that the NPAs continue to recruit children into the armed group, defying international standards against the recruitment and use of child combatants. This incident likewise substantiates our claims that the NPAs are indeed the constant violators of children’s rights.

Until now, however, not a word can be heard from “human rights advocates” especially Mr. Clamor of Karapatan. What about Elaine Pearson of Human Rights Watch (Asia)? What do they have to say about this?

We want to emphasize their ages. Does this mean that they can no longer recruit from the enlightened masses? This could be an indication that Oplan Bayanihan is working.

So we ask again: who did they say is recruiting child warriors?

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