PCGG clarification

MANILA, Philippines - We write in relation to the news article written by Mr. Rainier Allan Ronda, and published on page 7 of the June 25, 2011 issue of The Philippine STAR entitled, “PCGG to file another appeal on Cojuangco’s SMC shares.”

The said article included a paragraph which stated that “[t]he PCGG earlier said the OSG’s first MR was ‘weak’ and that it tried to correct the situation by submitting a supplemental motion. The OSG, however, declined to file the supplemental motion.”

For the record, the PCGG categorically denies that such statement attributed to the PCGG was made. In fact, the motion for reconsideration mentioned in the article was jointly prepared and signed by the PCGG and OSG representatives. Regarding the supplement to the motion for reconsideration, the two agencies prepared separate drafts and were in the process of seeking common ground on one relevant issue when the motion for reconsideration was denied.

The PCGG maintains open lines of communication with its statutory counsel, the OSG. In the course of any collaborative effort, principled and honest differences of opinion may arise, but these are matters that are threshed out and resolved professionally and respectfully. At the end of the day, divergence of opinions converge on one resolute point: to protect and uphold the Republic’s and the people’s best interest.

We hope that this disclaimer and clarification will be published in the interest of truth and fairness.

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