What really transpired

MANILA, Philippines - In his column on June 7, 2011 entitled “Arbitrary”, Mr. Alex Magno wrote about the seemingly unjustified suspension of the nickel mining operations of Pacific Nickel Philippines, Inc. (PNPI) in Nonoc Island and the circumstances surrounding it, impliedly taking the Department of Finance (DOF) to task for its purported interference in said matter.

With all due respect to Mr. Magno, we would like to make the following clarifications which will hopefully give a clearer picture of what really transpired.

One, the DOF did not direct the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), a co-equal agency, to issue the suspension order against PNPI. The DOF merely expressed its concerns regarding the legal financial obligations of PNPI which appear unsatisfied to date.

Two, the issue of payment or non-payment by PNPI of the full amount of the purchase price of the government’s stake in Nonoc Mining and Industrial Corporation is a valid concern that must first be addressed before PNPI is allowed to continue its mining operations especially since precious non-renewable resources are involved.

Three, despite the suspension order issued by the DENR, PNPI’s operations were still ongoing at the time Mr. Magno’s column was published on June 7, 2011 in light of the temporary restraining order issued by Surigao Regional Trial Court Judge Evangeline S. Yuipco-Bayana.

Finally, we also wish to point out that this matter is already pending judicial determination.

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