Essential mechanisms

This has reference to the article of Ms Sara Soliven De Guzman on ‘As a Matter of Fact: Does Every Soldier Count’ dated 23 August 2010.

Last week, the Philippine Army issued a press release on the Change of Chiefs of Offices wherein it announced that three new general staffs assumed positions in the organization as ways to infuse new blood and ideas in the organization. It does not, in any way, remove current set of staff for incompetence as insinuated in Ms Soliven’s column.

The officers that were replaced have been in the position for more than a year already and some even during the time of former Army Chief General Ibrado. It would be unfair for them, especially if they are efficient, experienced, and has good record, to retain them in a position if there are opportunities for them to move up.

With due respect to Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin, it is unfair for him to receive such accusations as he doesn’t have a hand in the selection of officers within the Philippine Army organization. He doesn’t even personally know these officers. We affirm that the proper selection of senior officers went through the Philippine Army Board of Senior Officers (PABSO).

Like what Ms Soliven De Guzman mentioned in her article, “The Commanding Generals of the Army, Navy, and the Air Force had the discretion to choose their own staff,” thus the Army Chief Maj. Gen. Arturo Ortiz has the prerogative to choose officers he is comfortable working with, provided that they possess the character, competence, and capacity to perform assigned mission/task, and are qualified for the position.

As to the alleged manifesto of junior officers that was earlier circulated, the Philippine Army does not believe any of its members was a party to what it was airing. We maintain that we have not heard of any grumblings in our ranks, and if there are, SOP No. 5 (Enhanced PA Grievance Mechanism) is in place to address them.

We hope that we were able to address various issues raised by Ms Soliven De Guzman. The Philippine Army as a professional organization recognizes that changes or movements in leadership, reshuffle of key officers, promotions and change of positions are part of the dynamics and essential mechanisms in a military institution. The Command, believing in the experience and wisdom of the newly designated general staff officers, has its high confidence that these changes shall contribute to the fulfillment of the Army’s thrust and mission.

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