
I want to puke at the latest attempt of Trillanes and his group to ask PGMA to resign.

They claimed they were willing to lose their lives and this was the hour to show the nation some heroism. Yet, just a little tear gas and they scamper away and try to clothe their cowardice by saying that they were surrendering to protect civilian lives. They were the ones that put civilians in danger in the first place.

The truth is it was a programmed flimsy try by a recycled band of political wannabees to grandstand again.

 If Trillanes and company were really brave and cared about civilian lives, why did they hole up in a five-star hotel and place innocent foreigners and civilians in danger in the first place? And if they were really ready to die for their fake cause, he should have asked the civilians to leave and then make his stand.

Instead, his grandstanding band chose to hide behind an old bishop, an old politician, women and media. They should have fought mano a mano.

 Enough is enough! If they care for the country, they should wait till 2010. Trillanes was elected senator to uphold the law. Instead he broke it. He claims he has the mandate of 11 million people. He could not even muster 100 people to rally around him.   

People are tired of disruptions. Our country is starting to boom. Foreign investors are announcing new projects costing billions of dollars and the opposition is sourgraping.

 They just cannot stand the success of this administration as it makes them irrelevant and lessens their chances of grabbing power.— Ramon ‘RJ’ Jacinto

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