Alpinia elegans

Scientific name: Alpinia elegans K. Schum.

Synonym: Kolowratia elegans Presl

Family: Zingiberaceae

Local name: bagombon (Tag.), katotang (Bis.); tagbak (Tag.)

Distribution: Luzon, Polillo Is., Mindoro, Leyte. In thickets along streams and in open areas at low and medium altitudes. Endemic

Description: Erect, rhizomatous herb growing 2 to 3 m tall. Leaves leathery, alternate, oblong-ovate to lanceolate, to narrowly ovate, apex pointed, spreading, with short, stout petiole. Inflorescence terminal, paniculate., with basal bract. Corolla pale straw color. Fruit an ellipsoid capsule, woody, and with persistent calyx. Seeds minute, numerous, subglobose.

Conservation status: Not threatened.

Conservation Notes: The species is widely distributed in the country. The rhizomes and leaves are recorded to be medicinal and has antimicrobial property as well.

The type specimen of Kolowratia elegans Presl was originally collected by Thaddaeus Haenke in Luzon during the Malaspina expedition’s visit to the Philippines in 1792.

For further information contact: Domingo A. Madulid, email:

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