Tectaria hilocarpa

MANILA, Philippines - Tectaria hilocarpa is selling well in the Jatujak Market. The plant was introduced from the Philippines by a Thai plant collector-breeder during the 1999. The plant escaped cultivation and invaded the sides of the canal under the Aglaonema benches. Everybody who visits asked if they are for sale. He started giving them away until he decided to place them in pots. It sold well and is now all over Thailand. 

The plant has very striking color patterns. It may be grown in any shade area and requires only moist soil to grow nicely. The plant can take lots of fertilizers and will reward grower with beautifully colored leaves.

Tectaria hilocarpa is one of Philippine’s most beautiful ferns but is seldom seen in cultivation in the country. It takes the foreigners to see the beauty of our native species. Wild-gathered T. hilocarpa regularly shows up during rainy season at weekend market at P35 for a bundle of 5-10 plants.

This plant will definitely show up at the King’s Birthday Show at Suan Luang Ror9 in Dec. 1 to 10 in Bangkok Thailand.

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