Building up family traditions for Easter and the holidays

Once again, families will be spending endless hours together at home or in vacation spots of their choice – whether in their provincial hometowns or at distant places here or abroad.  Some of them may be allowed by their parents to stay with relatives and friends whom they are fond of.

Whichever way we choose to spend our vacation, it is certain that the long, leisurely summer days will grant us more time for fun and relaxation. It will also provide the opportunity to spend quality time with our family in a relaxed atmosphere.  We must not let these precious moments pass without making the most of them.

Here are some ideas for activities which we can do with our family or friends, making ordinary days special, and strengthening family ties.  They are from the book by Jayne Reizner entitled, “A Book of Family Traditions.” It is a book of ideas on how to initiate family practices which can become traditions to be repeated and remembered for years to come.  I have adapted some of them to suit the Filipino family lifestyle and situations.

Celebrate the ordinary

Celebrate the ordinary. Celebrate any change, big or small.  When your child’s first tooth or braces come off, have a special chewing gum bubble contest.  Make basketball placemats for dinner, on the day your son tries out for the basketball team.  Find a reason to celebrate on the ordinary days.  This can apply to other sports as well. 

‘We love you’ keepsake gifts for preschoolers

Keepsake birthday gift. Along with the “wants” the children have on their birthday wish list, try to give them one thing each year that they can keep and cherish in the years to come.  (The first year’s gift can be a hope chest or “baol” to store all the future years’ special gifts.) It may be something passed down from grandparents, something they collect, an ornament for the Christmas tree, or anything that will be meaningful later on.

Special birthday verses.  When your children are born, select a special song, poem or Bible verse for them.  Play the song or read the poem at all special occasions in their lives and at breakfast on their birthday.

Cheer up! (For a new family).  Have a cute pillow or stuffed animal that is only brought out of the closet when someone needs cheering up.  The pillow could be embroidered with “We love you” or “You are special to us.” The family could choose the stuffed animal together and store him away until needed.  This is not applicable, though, to those who have an over-abundance of stuffed toys.

Bedtime journal, family bulletin for 6- to 10-year-olds

Bedtime journal. Set a cute blank notebook next to your young child’s bed.  Each night as you tuck him in, ask him what he remembers most from his day.  Write a sentence or two about his response with the date.  What a chuckle he will get out of this later.  (You may also be surprised by what stands out the most to him each day.)  This is an excellent way to encourage his love for story-telling or writing in his own diary.

Family bulletin board. At a central location in your home, hang the family bulletin board.  Post any special ribbons or medals the children earn, encourage notes for exam days, reminders of special days, pictures of fun family events, holiday decorations, etc.

Day in court. When children can’t settle their own quarrels, they may ask for their day in court.  The whole family must listen to each side of the argument and negotiate a fair settlement. Whatever the court decides is final.  After airing their complaints, both children will feel better.

For the coming Holy Week, especially Easter Sunday

Maundy Thursday family meal.  Have the evening meal on Maundy Thursday consist of 13 different things to eat. Place a spoonful of each item on each person’s plate. This is to commemorate Christ and His 12 disciples at the Last Supper.

Secret Easter basket. Have each family member select items for a secret Easter basket. Cover it with plastic wrap or a big bow. Choose an underprivileged family that is special to yours.  Leave the basket on the family’s porch on Easter morning or the night before and run.  Doing things anonymously is a humbling experience for everyone.

Easter message in an egg.  Make a special Easter egg.  Place a cross, a stone and a piece of fabric inside the plastic egg. When this special egg is found during the Easter egg hunt, have the child use these props to tell Easter story.  (Jesus died on the cross, and was buried in a tomb, which was sealed with a stone.  When people ran to the tomb, the stone was rolled away.  The body of Jesus was gone, and only the cloth around His body was left.)

The Easter report. Have an older child tell the Easter story as if he were a reporter, using today’s language. This story can be found in Matthew 26-28.  Parents should help out here.

Not only during summertime but at any other time of the year creative parents can think of ways to make family time more enjoyable and memorable, both for them and their children. Their creativity and generosity can extend to include their relatives and friends too.

Christ liveth

“My child, listen. Down the ages comes the echo, “Christ liveth!” The Christ has never died save in man’s consciousness. Every day that you live oblivious to the Sweet Presence of My Spirit, I AM nailed to the cross of material things.  Every moment that you open your heart and mind to My Inflow, the stone is rolled from your heart and the Christ ABSOLUTE in joy and beauty, step from the tomb, out into your daily life.”

“Thus is My Power released for all your daily needs, thus is My Power your power to use in demonstrations, both for yourself and those I send to you for help. Then you will know that you do not choose whom you shall help.  Then you will know that you do not choose whom you shall help or serve. I shall fill your life to such completeness that every step of the path will be of My Choosing and you only have to walk in it by faith to see My Glory revealed.”

“Go now, My child, and know that Christ is risen indeed. Risen for you in a fuller sense than ever before and the tomb or cross shall never claim Him again in your consciousness. Make now your demonstration in the knowledge that He, Who is all Power, is with you waling by your side on the road.” (Quiet Talks with the Master by Eva Bell Werber)

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