Be a smart reader

MANILA, Philippines - Despite new and improved teaching methods, it remains a fact that there are always a number of children who do not seem to master the reading process effectively.  Teaching someone how to read is one of the best guarantees for a successful life and the method used must achieve positive results. One such method or program guaranteed to bring out the best in every child is the Smart Reader program by MSA Academic Advancement Institute. 

  MSA Smart Reader is a complete and systematic program with the objective of helping children to read well from a young age. Gerard Alferez, managing director of MSA said the program is designed to promote literacy and develop comprehension skills.

 â€œIt follows the Diagnose—Teach—Practice—Assess framework where a child first undergo a diagnostic exam to pinpoint the child’s strengths and difficulties in various facets of reading,” Alferez said. Instructors will then create a tailor-fit program to specifically target those areas that need improvement and enhance further the student’s strengths.

 The program, designed for kinder to Grade 10,  is proven effective to improve  the child’s ability to read and comprehend that leads to better learning.

 It’s never too soon to start your child on the path to reading. Give them the advantage of  being a Smart Reader at MSA. Log on to to learn more on MSA’s other enrichment programs.


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