Learn the science of success

MANILA, Philippines - “Auntie Cherry, I have achieved one of my starlet goals today!” Micah del Carmen, a 14-year old student from ICA proudly shared to her coach in Singapore via Facebook. It was five months after the Superstar Camp was held in Antipolo that Cherry Pua-Africa, founder and master trainer of World Stage received this exciting news from her mentee. Micah is one of 50 graduates of the World Stage Superstar Achiever’s Camp held in the Philippines last year. In a distilled-down student version of the new thought process called Law of Attraction, World Stage capped its five-day camp with a “Come As You Will BE Party” where students emotionalized their powerful goals that saw them being their futuristic selves with their parents and mentors cheering from the sides. Micah’s biggest goal, which World Stage calls the “Supernova Goal” is to set up a special needs school by 2020 reaching out to 20 percent of the special needs population. “Whether or not we realize it, throughout our entire day, we are presented with massive opportunities to act on our goal. Every day is a day of making choices. Superstars who are clear on what they want in life, who have tremendous self control and positive habits and who have mastered the 10 Ps of success: Perception, Plan, Persistence, Passion, Peak State, Pitch, Push, Presence, Power and People make it way ahead of their peers,” enthuses Cherry Africa, a Filipino who has worked and established a network of more than 50,000 students and parents in Singapore, Malaysia and just recently, The Philippines through her regional company called Never Ending Story. In order to prepare the youth to compete with the rising achievers in the region, World Stage is also launching an Overseas Youth Leadership Camp called BEST (Business Edutainment Science and Technology) that will run for 12 days in Singapore and Malaysia. Filipino students will be given the chance to interact with Singaporeans, Indians, Malaysians, Eurasians, Chinese and fellow Filipinos living abroad while they race against time in their quest to become global co-creators and global co dreamers of the future world. If you want to learn how you can raise a World Stage Superstar or want to know more about the World Stage Super Camp, you are invited to attend “Unleash the Champion in your Child” workshop facilitated by Singapore-based trainer Cherry Pua-Africa at Seattle’s Best, Katipunan QC. For more info call or text Fannie at 0917-8813264 or email her at worldstage@never endstory.com

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