UST engineering alumni to hold EngGAHLing!!

MANILA, Philippines - The Engineering Alumni Association of the University of Santo Tomas will hold its quadricentennial alumni homecoming on Saturday, Jan. 22 to be held at the Ruano Drive, fronting the Engineering building. Engr. Resty Cabrera, of CE Batch ’83, Engineering Alumni Association president is inviting all graduates to participate in this much-awaited event that will provide camaraderie among the different batches and strengthen the UST spirit among them. Recognition shall be given to various batches including this year’s main host and silver jubilarians, the batch ’86 led by engineer Quiel Delgado. Registration at 3:30 in the afternoon will be followed by various activities that include entertainment by the Thomasian engineering artists, band show featuring the Silk Band and fireworks display. It is the first ever homecoming to be held at the UST school grounds, right across the Engineering building, marking a “real” homecoming for the Thomasian engineers. Tickets cost P700 and available at the Engineering alumni office or upon registration. Coinciding with this is the 24th golf and tennis tournaments slated on Jan. 24, Monday to be participated in by local and foreign based Thomasian engineers. The golf fellowship tournament will be held at the Camp Aguinaldo Golf Club, while the tennis tourney will be held at the Valle Verde Country Club. Interested parties may obtain information also at the UST Engineering Alumni Office at 4061611 loc 8320.

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