Join congress on good citizenship, Luistro urges school heads

MANILA, Philippines - Education Secretary Armin Luistro issued a call to all school heads of private and public schools, and also regional directors of the Department of Education (DepEd) to participate in the upcoming 5th Annual National Congress on Good Citizenship.

Luistro made the call as he bared the DepEd’s joining the EDSA People Power Commission (EPPC) and the Good Citizenship Movement (GCM) in a bid to promote good citizenship in DepEd and among all school children in private and public elementary and high schools around the country.

Through DepEd Memorandum 371, Luistro encouraged all regional directors and principals of public and private elementary and secondary schools nationwide to attend the congress slated on Oct. 15-16 at the 18th floor, Br. Andrew Gonzales Hall, De La Salle University, Taft Avenue, Manila.

“A socially-responsible and disciplined Filipino citizenry means a better Philippines. Through this congress, we can show our solidarity with the government in making this country a better place for all of us,” said Luistro.           

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