The Seeds We Sow

To light a path, to lighten a load, to lift others to places higher than they ever thought they could go – that is service. It is in this spirit of service that the Woodrose Alumnae Association founded the BINHI Scholarship Program which aims to provide education to deserving yet underprivileged children.

Binhi means “seed.” In each seed lies potential, the promise of life. Likewise, each BINHI scholar represents more than their own abilities and ambitions but also the dreams and hopes of their parents. Each BINHI scholar is a seed ready to be nurtured and eager to grow through the charity of others.

It is often said that charity begins at home. So it is with BINHI. Woodrose alumnae recognized the fact that much of what they received from their second home, PAREF Woodrose School, was made possible by the dedication and sacrifice of the auxiliary staff, the men and women who tirelessly maintained the school facilities. It was out of gratitude to them that the Woodrose Alumnae Association founded BINHI. BINHI was more than just another charitable program; it was a message. BINHI was a message to the auxiliary staff: “Your selfless giving was neither unnoticed nor unappreciated.” It was also a message to BINHI’s beneficiaries, the children of the auxiliary staff: “You can be and do more. Reach higher; aim farther.”

This message resonates in the heart of Manilyn Concha, a BINHI Scholar who now works as a secretary in PAREF Woodrose School. “Before, I used to be content with grades that were either average or barely passing. BINHI made me realize that I can do much better, that I can excel not just in school but in the world.” The confidence she gained is echoed by another BINHI scholar, Hazel Villaruel, who says that, “I realized that the scholarship is an opportunity which is not given to everybody.” With confidence came determination and clarity. “BINHI made me more focused on the things that I really want and the kind of life that I want to have.” The kind of life Hazel wants to lead is one of service. She is now a teacher in PAREF Rosemont School. And so the cycle of giving and receiving continues.

In Manilyn and Hazel, the dreams of their parents are realized. But there are more dreams still waiting to become reality. There are currently BINHI scholars in preschool and grade school, young minds and hearts still inching their way towards the sun. It is for these scholars that the Woodrose Alumnae Association is holding the Woodrose Family Bazaar on October 16-17, 2010. The bazaar, which is now on its 13th year, will be in the Cuenca Community Center, Ayala Alabang Village, Muntinlupa. From 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., you can stock up on a wide variety of things sure to catch your fancy. You won’t spend a centavo on parking or entrance because they are both free and every centavo you do end up spending, for yourself or your family and friends, will go to the BINHI Scholarship Program. 

The BINHI Scholarship Program is not about Woodrose alumnae looking out for “their own.” While the scholarship may directly benefit the children of Woodrose auxiliary staff, these scholars are given, through their education, the tools to serve others, to serve their nation, and to become useful hands in moving the world in a better direction. It is in the name of these scholars that the Woodrose Family Bazaar promises to be two days of discovering not just bargains, but more importantly, the joy of service and the beauty of giving.   (For more information on the Woodrose Family Bazaar please call 850 – 6380 local 128 or 0915-6431587. You may also email

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