Special MCLE program for lawyers

MANILA, Philippines - Bar Matter No. 850 states that a lawyer who fails to comply with the requirements shall be listed as a delinquent member of the IBP and shall not be permitted to practice law until such time as adequate proof of compliance is received by the MCLE Committee. Bar Matter No. 1922, requires all lawyers to indicate in their pleadings their Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) compliance number. Failure to disclose the required information would cause the dismissal of the case and expunction of the pleadings from records.

To give the opportunity for lawyers to comply with this, the Center for Global Best Practices (CGBP), in collaboration with Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) Manila Chapter 3, is inviting all legal practitioners to attend “2010 MCLE Program” scheduled on Fridays and Saturdays of Feb. 5, 6, 12 and 13, 2010. This is a unique four-day program offering 36 MCLE credit units in fulfillment of the April 14, 2010 compliance deadline for lawyers who have not completed their MCLE requirements.

In special seminar, we bring together the most seasoned and sought-after lecturers in the country. Unlike the usual run of the mill MCLE-accredited programs, this is uniquely packed with special and interesting topics by distinguished law experts.

This is a limited-seats-only event and pre-registration is required. For the four-day MCLE package to be held at the InterContinental Hotel in Makati City, this is competitively priced P12,492 when participants avail of the early payment and group discounts. The fee is already inclusive of the snacks and lunch. For more details, visit www.cgbp.org. You may also contact CGBP at (02) 8427148 or 59 and (02) 5568968 or 69. Look for program leader Ivy Enriquez or email at ivy@cgbp.org.

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