'A spiritual rehabilitation center' within the biosphere

(Part 2 of a series on Biodiversity in Peril)

On December 21, 1991, the Mt. Pinatubo Hidden Temple Shrine Foundation was organized for the Shrine land, a 60-foot high hill within the mystically selected 90-hectare forest in Sitio Palan, San Marcelino. This was the most devastated town of the second district of Zambales during the Mt. Pinatubo eruption, which affected the world’s atmospheric condition. Just like the two other earlier national disasters – the hunger that struck down Negros in 1984 and the EDSA Revolution of 1986 – mystic Punay Kabayao Fernandez became Mother Mary’s emissary to raise the hopes of the Filipinos through the establishment of the “Trinity of Shrines”: the Mt. Pinatubo Hidden Temple Shrine, the Cadiz Shrine, and the Shrine Avenue at OB Montessori Greenhills.

The following year in November 1992, Our Lord of Love and Redemption, spoke through – Mrs. Punay K. Fernandez – declaring Palan as a “spiritual rehabilitation center”. I am reprinting the Shrine description, which Jojo Ruiz wrote for my November 1992 column.   

The Mt. Pinatubo Hidden Temple Shrine

“With such a short “koan” (Zen riddle) was Palan’s role defined for us. Right at the outset, the Palan shrine was never your usual grotto-on-a-hill affair of the familiar Lourdes (Fatima or Guadalupe) pattern. First, Our Praying Blessed Mother of the Mt. Pinatubo Hidden Temple Shrine has her eyes closed but looking very much alive, with a dimpled smile on her face. She has on some unusual symbols – a star of David, a galactic belt, a chalice and candle on her hands.

Then, Jesus, Our Lord of Love and Redemption, was also put up, very massive and manly, because His Mother insisted that worship belonged to Him. Again, there are special symbols on Him – the Star of David, as on Mary, a cross on His hands and pigeons around Him. More radical was Mary’s insistence, too, that it was for people of all faiths, and not just for Catholics.

These many unique features hint of other dimensions and herald a new and different dispensation. They also invite our serious reflection. Our Lord’s declaration itself raises such questions as “why spiritual and not religious?” and “why rehabilitation and not conversion?”

The coming millennium

The answers we seek to Our Lord’s puzzle will come to us later with urgent clarity when we view Palan against the backdrop of vast changes that are predicted to occur on Earth up to and beyond the year 2000, when a new cycle of life on the planet will begin. Visionaries past and present from St. John in Revelations and Nostradamus, to Edgar Cayce and Ruth Montgomery, have all prophesied these changes and events are proving their accuracy.

Our Blessed Mother Mary has also given the same prophecies these past 200 years but they have been locked away by the Catholic Church. This is why Mary has chosen other messengers recently. The same predictions, but in greater detail, are in a 1991 book containing messages sent by Mary, the Mother of Jesus, to Annie Kirkwood, a non-Catholic nurse from Houston, America.

Mrs. Punay K. Fernandez agreed in 1992 for us to cite portions, paraphrases and summaries of that book entitled, Mary’s Message to the World, which essentially has the same message as that of Our Praying Blessed Mother and Her Son of the Palan Shrine.

Basically, Mother Mary communicates to Annie Kirkwood “strongly” through the mind, and Annie “hears” internally what Mary says. Under Mary’s guidance, Annie’s husband, Byron, helped compile the information.

The choosing of Annie Kirkwood

In 1988, when Annie came to understand that it was Mother Mary who was speaking to her, Annie protested, “I don’t believe in the Virgin Mary. I’m sorry, I believe that you are Jesus’ mother, but I don’t believe in you like the Catholic Church does. Marty (Annie’s friend) is the Catholic, I am not.”

Annie was adamant that Mary had to appear to a Catholic – not to her.

“Nor I,” Mary responded. Marty then stated, “The Virgin Mary is Jewish.” This was the first time that Annie had realized that Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was not Catholic (something Mary has made clear in her messages).

‘You are chosen because you are not affiliated with any church’

“You are also a mother, and as interested in your children’s welfare as I have always been – but mostly because of your pure heart and your pure motives in seeking the Truth of God. I also chose you because you are not affiliated with any church or any organized religion.

“This person (meaning the nurse, Mrs. Kirkland) who is taking this dictation from my mind was chosen by me, the Holy Spirit, and by God Himself to bring this message of hope and true conversion. She was chosen because she was not looking for acknowledgment of any kind. She remains anonymous (Annie agreed to reveal her identity only to add credibility to the book), and is working closely with us in spirit and in truth.”

Annie from time to time doubted why she was chosen, and Mary answered: “Your answer as to the credentials is that you were chosen because you are a simple and seeking soul. I do not have need of angels to tell this story. It will be among the common folk that this word will spread. The government officials are, as they have always been, too caught up in their own importance to give thought to any other kind of life.

“You have been chosen as carefully as the children of Yugoslavia. It was their innocence and their total isolation which attracted me to them. You are the opposite in that you are neither young nor that old, but of an age in which there is respect for your word. You have had three children, a good career in nursing, and this is how you will present yourself. You have a good record to present. You also have lived in the world and know all its temptations and have lived in many worldly situations. For this reason you will have a good story to tell.”

…So that the world would heed the warning

Annie was concerned that not everyone will agree with everything in this book, but she is not seeking people’s approval: “This is what Mary said, and this is what I received. To those people who will not believe, it is their choice and I will not try to convince them this is true. I can only pray for the reception of the message and that the world will heed this warning. It is all that Mother Mary requests of each of us to seek with sincerity and with earnestness in our mind and heart to find Truth – to find our way to a close connection with our Creator.”

“I do not want to deceive anyone or give wrong information. Mary will speak to the heart of each person who reads this book, and it really has nothing to do with organized religion.”

The coming trying times

In Annie Kirkwood’s book, Mary briefly describes the coming changes: “The time is drawing near when you will be shaken up and frightened, not because of any punishment, but to renew the land and minds of mankind. The Earth will shake and will be moved by violent forces which will cause many to lose their physical lives. The process which will cause these earth-changing events have already started and will continue until completion. The real tragedy during this time would be to lose one’s spiritual growth.”

“The planet Earth is being bombarded with forces which will cause it to change its direction in relationship to the universe. As this universe grows, there is a splitting of galaxies. These changes are universal. Some of these events started many millions of earth years ago. Now, the growth affects your solar system, and the planets will realign to new places and points. During this realignment, the Earth will be turned and shaken, and you will have many catastrophic events.”

“As the world turns and changes direction, many natural occurrences will be deemed disasters. Mountains will move, seas will be upturned, new lands will come out of the oceans, some of the land which is now inhabited will be inundated and returned to the ocean floor to be allowed to renew. These natural disasters have already started, but in the future they will occur more often and with increasing violence.”

Survive these catastrophic events by renewing your spiritual values

“My desire is to warn you of the coming trying times. I wish for you to turn to God in your hearts and through your minds, for this way some of you will survive these catastrophic events by renewing your spiritual values. Only in prayer and meditation will you find solace. Bring all your cares to the altar in your hearts. Allow God to hear your hearts, your lives, your spirits and your loved ones. This healing is your only hope, your only recourse. Only by prayer and meditation will you individually be led and guided.”

(Reference: Mary’s Message to the World as sent by Mary, the Mother of Jesus to Annie Kirkwood. Blue Dolphin Press. California, USA, 1991)

(For more information or reaction, please e-mail at exec@obmontessori.edu.ph or pssoliven@yahoo.com)

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