Under surveillance

“Can anyone hide himself in secret places, so I shall not see him?” says the Lord.   — Jeremiah 23:24

 Imagine that you’re visiting a foreign country when you realize that you’re being followed. Your every move is watched. Your every conversation is monitored. Your hotel room is bugged and the restaurant tables are electronically rigged to pick up every word you speak. It’s as if at all times someone wants to know what you are doing, saying, thinking, and planning. You are constantly under the scrutiny of another, and it seems there is no place to hide.

Fortunately, most of us don’t know what it’s like to live under that kind of surveillance. Yet in reality, we do live every moment of every day under the watchful eyes of the Lord. He sees everything we do; He hears everything we say; He knows every thought we think.

For those who love and trust the Lord, this is an awesome yet comforting truth. But for those who are determined to resist Him, it’s a different story. Amos told Israel that God was pleading with them to turn from their sins (5:4-15), and he warned them that there would be no hiding place for those who refused to repent (9:1-6).

Father, have mercy on us when we are rebellious. We lift our heart to You in behalf of all who think they can somehow elude Your constant surveillance and final judgment.     — Mart De Haan

They shall not stand the judgment test

Who live for self today,

For God sees all and He will judge

The evildoer’s way! — Bosch

READ: Amos 9:1-6

Live today as you will wish you had when you stand before God.

The Bible in one year:

Amos 7-9

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