Who's your creator?

All the gods of the peoples are idols, but the Lord made the heavens.  — Psalm 96:5

Does the design of the universe point to an intelligent Designer? Even though many scientists resist that idea and propose naturalistic explanations for the origin of the cosmos, they sometimes use words that point to a Creator.

Fred Heeren talks about this in his book Show Me God. He quotes English theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking as using the words “finely adjusted” in explaining the development of life. Hawking also uses the phrase “very carefully chosen” in relation to the initial configuration of the universe.

In addition, Heeren shows that the late Carl Sagan often referred to “some kind of force or power” by which the universe created itself. Sagan declared that the cosmos is all that exists, but he also said, “Our ancestors worshiped the sun, and they were far from foolish. It makes good sense to revere the sun and the stars because we are their children.” He was repeating the mistake of those who worship “the creature rather than the Creator” (Romans 1:25).

In contrast, the Bible points us to the infinite, intelligent, and personal Creator who has made us and revealed Himself to us in Jesus Christ (Psalm 96:5; Colossians 1:15-19).

Let’s make worshiping the Lord God and serving Him our greatest delight. — Herbert Vander Lugt


The greatness of our God is seen In sky and sea and forest green; And living creatures great and small Reveal the God who made them all. — D. De Haan


READ: Psalm 96

The design in creation points to the Master Designer.

The Bible in one year:• Joel 1-3

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