More than enough

[God] is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think.   Ephesians 3:20

It was an unexpected provision in a time of need. The prophet Elisha, like others in Israel, was hard-pressed by the famine. But the prophet determined that he must share with other needy Israelites the 20 loaves of barley bread he had just received (2 Kings 4:42-44). Elisha’s servant questioned the wisdom of setting the food before 100 hungry men, for there was not enough to go around.

Nevertheless, Elisha issued a command to feed his fellow prophets, adding a promise that this scanty provision would be enough: “Thus says the Lord: ‘They shall eat and have some left over’” (v.43).

True to God’s word, when Elisha’s servant set the loaves before the people, “they ate and had some left over” (v.44). There was enough — and more than enough. A similar thing happened when Jesus fed 5,000 with 5 barley loaves and 2 small fish (John 6:1-14). These examples suggest the principle: When God gives, He is able to give more than enough.

When we sense that God is asking us to serve Him in a new or unfamiliar way, we should never say no simply because we feel inadequate. “We have only a few loaves,” we may say. But the Lord replies, “Trust Me. They are more than enough.”     — David Roper

What matter though our loaves be few?

Alike the little and the much

When He shall add to what we have

His multiplying touch. — Flint


READ:2 Kings 4:38-44

We always have enough when God is our supply.

The Bible in one year:

• Jeremiah 17-20

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