
 What this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her. — Matthew 26:13

The heroes and heroines of the Bible often take us by surprise. The woman in today’s Scripture reading is a prime example. She was singled out by Jesus to be mentioned wherever the gospel is preached. She had scandalized some of those dining with Jesus by her breathtaking generosity. In anticipating Jesus’ death, she had anointed Him with costly perfume that was worth more than a year’s wages.

“Why this waste?” asked those at the table who expressed a concern for the poor. Had these same people been attending Jesus’ funeral rather than a dinner with Him, I believe they would have reacted differently. Yet, when this woman showed Him her lavish love while He was alive, she was severely criticized for such waste.

We can learn a valuable lesson from the devotion of this woman. We need to break out our best perfumes for the living. Yet all too often we wait until someone dies to show the appreciation that we are reluctant to show in life.

Is there someone who comes to your mind, a friend or family member, who would be honored and encouraged by an expression of your love and appreciation? Then do something to show it — while the person is still alive!  

                      — Haddon Robinson

Give praise to people young and old,

Encourage them while they are near;

For when they’ve gone to their reward,

Your loudest praise they will not hear.            — D. De Haan


READ: Matthew 26:6-13


Don’t put off until tomorrow the loving words you can say today.

The Bible in one year:

• Isaiah 1-3

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