The right place

Let us consider one another in order to stir up love . . . , not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together.Hebrews 10:24-25

People stay away from church for many reasons. Maybe the weather is bad, or it’s a busy day, or they don’t like guest speakers.

It’s especially sad when people stay away from church because they are troubled or hurting. When their hearts ache, they need to be in fellowship with God’s people. If they’ve received devastating news about their health, finances, or a family member, what better place is there to be?

One Friday, a pastor’s wife went to a medical office for an ultrasound of her unborn baby. The technician suddenly became silent and then called for her doctor. He confirmed what was suspected — the baby was dead. The next day she underwent a procedure that removed the baby from her womb.

By Sunday morning she felt okay physically but wondered if she should stay home from church. She later wrote, “In the end, I decided to go. . . . Somewhere in the midst of the beloved hymns and familiar choruses, a feeling of peace washed over me. Yes, I was in the right place. . . . We celebrated communion, and I was fully enveloped in my Father’s presence, my soul anchored in the shelter of God’s sanctuary.”

Church—it’s the right place to be.  — David C. Egner

Our week’s not complete till we make it our goal 

To honor the Lord’s Day and nourish our soul;

 The help that we need for the trials we face

Will come as we worship and draw on God’s grace.   — D. De Haan

Read: Hebrews 10:19-25

We all need Christian fellowship to build us up and hold us up.

The Bible in one year:

• Psalms 85-87

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