God in the thunderstorm

Clouds and darkness surround Him . . . His lightnings light the world, the earth trembles.      Psalm 97:2,4 

It had been a long Michigan winter and my 3-year-old granddaughter had forgotten all about thunderstorms. So she was frightened one spring afternoon when the sky grew dark, lightning flashed, thunder began to roll, and rain came pouring down. She climbed onto her dad’s lap. He reassured her that God knows all about thunderstorms, and he used the occasion to tell her about God’s awesome power.

Psalm 97:1-6 also uses the imagery of a thunderstorm to illustrate the mighty works of the Lord. The writer paints a scene of rolling clouds, jagged forks of lightning, and rumbling thunder to describe God’s power. The thick dark clouds that hide the sun remind me that man cannot stand the full view of God’s glory (v. 2). In the lightning I see a picture of God’s fiery wrath on His foes (vv. 3-4). In all of these forces of nature I see the glory of God (v. 6).

We’ve all witnessed the power of a thunderstorm. And sometimes we are afraid. But each storm that rolls across the sky can bring to mind great truths. God is awesome in power. He judges His foes, and His glory fills the earth.

So, when the next storm comes, join the psalmist in praising God for His wondrous power and majesty. See God in the thunderstorm.       — Dave Egner

Sovereign Ruler of the skies,

Ever gracious, ever wise,

All my times are in Your hand,

All events at Your command.    — Ryland


READ: Psalm 97:1-6

When we trust God, His power is not a danger but a comfort.

The Bible in one year:

• Psalm 13-15

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