God's amazing patience

Whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached; and in this I rejoice.

– Philippians 1:18

An elderly preacher whose ministry had reached thousands for Christ confessed that selfishness too often mingled with his genuine love for the Lord. This same concern was expressed by another effective minister who asked others to pray that he might overcome a desire to be “number one” when speaking at Bible conferences. I too see elements of pride and self-centeredness in myself.

Because we remain in what Paul called “this body of death” (Rom. 7:24), in which sin still dwells, all of our worship and service to the Lord is tainted by imperfection. Perhaps that’s why I am inclined to be understanding toward the preachers the apostle described in Philippians 1:15-17. Even though elements of envy, greed, and pride marred their ministry, Paul expressed gratitude that Christ was being proclaimed. He would not have done this if they were hypocrites or false teachers.

All our service for Christ is in some way affected by the sinful tendencies that remain in us. William Beverage wrote, “I cannot pray except I sin; I cannot preach except I sin… My very repentance needs to be repented of; and the tears I shed need washing in the blood of Christ.”

Praise God for His amazing patience!

– Herb Vander Lugt

Although we stumble every day,

The Lord is always there

To lift us up, forgive our sin,

And show His love and care. 

– Sper

READ: Philippians 1: 12:16

Our sin is great –

God’s grace is greater.

The Bible in one year:

• 2 Samuel 19-21

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