Seeing the unseen

The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them. — Psalm 34:7

In a materialistic world like ours, we are tempted to conclude that the only real things are those we experience with our five senses. Yet “there are things we cannot see; things behind our backs or far away and all things in the dark,” said C. S. Lewis.

There is another realm of reality, just as actual, just as factual, jus as substantial as anything we see, hear, touch, taste, or smell in this world. It exists all around us — not out there “somewhere,” but “here.” There are legions of angels helping us, for which the world has no counter-measures (Heb. 1:14). The psalmist David referred to them as a force of thousands of thousands of chariots (Ps. 68:17). We cannot see God nor His angels with our natural eyes. But they are there, whether we see them or not. I believe the world is filled with them.

Faith is the means by which we are able to “see” this invisible world. That is belief’s true function. Faith is to the spiritual realm what the five senses are to the natural realm. The writer of Hebrews says that faith is “the evidence of things not seen” (Heb. 11:1). By faith we recognize the existence of the spiritual world and learn to depend on the Lord for His help in our daily life. Our goal, then, as George MacDonald once said, is to “grow eyes” to see the unseen. — David Roper

At times our fears may loom so large,

We long for proof that God is near;

It’s then our Father says to us,

“Have faith, My child, and do not fear.”  — D. De Haan


READ: Psalm 34:4-7


Faith sees things that are out of sight.

The Bible in one year:

• Exodus 21-24

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