Cherished connections

We, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another. — Romans 12:5

When I heard that David was in the office for a board meeting, I was excited. He and I had a mutual friend, Sharon, who had died several years earlier. We had a few minutes to reminisce about her and her love for life and God. What a delight to connect with someone who has loved someone you have loved! There’s a special bond because you love to talk about that cherished person.

Those who know Jesus Christ as their Savior have even stronger ties. We are forever connected to Him and to one another. “We, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another,” Paul says in Romans 12:5. We’ve been “born of God,” and we love those who are “begotten of Him” (1 John 15:1).

When we get together with fellow believers, we have the opportunity to talk about the one we love — Christ — and of the love, forgiveness, and grace we have experienced in Him because of His death and resurrection (4:9-10). At such times, we can encourage each other to continue to trust Him and spur one another on to be faithful in our walk with Him.

This coming Sunday and throughout the week, let’s remind fellow believers of all that Jesus has done and of how truly wonderful He is. — Anne Cetas

We Christians have a kinship with

All others who believe,

And from that bond of faith and love

A mutual strength receive. — Hess

READ: 1 John 4:7-51

The more you love Jesus, the more you’ll talk about Him.

The Bible in one year:

• Psalms 84-86

• Romans 12

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