God's masterpieces

We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.      — Ephesians 2:10

The Grand Rapids Art Museum has over 5,000 works of art, including 3,500 prints, drawings, and photographs; 1,000 works of design; and 700 paintings and sculptures. As I read about the new museum and anticipated visiting, I couldn’t help but think about God’s “museum.”

God is an artist, and His creation is unspeakably magnificent. But it is not His greatest work! God’s greatest work is His redemption of us. When we were still dead in our sins. He made us alive in His Son, Jesus Christ (Eph. 2:1, 5). Paul reminded the Ephesians that they were God’s “workmanship,” or poiema (v. 10), a Greek term that means “poem” or “work of art.” God’s art museum is the church, filled with millions of marvelous works — His people.

Being God’s work of art, Paul said, should result in something from us. We are not supposed to sit silently in the museum of fellowship. Rather, we are to show God’s love in practical ways through our good works. Jesus said these good works glorify our heavenly Father (Matt. 5:16).

God did not re-create us in His Son to be museum pieces. He redeemed us so that our good works would showcase the brilliant colors of His redemption and grace, and draw a world in darkness to the light of His love. — Marvin Williams

Sing, oh, sing, of my Redeemer,

With His blood He purchased me,

On the cross He sealed my pardon,

Paid the debt, and made me free.    — Bliss

READ: Ephesians 2:1-10

They witness best who witness with their lives.

The Bible in one year:

• Job 41-42

• Acts 16:22-40

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