Who is the enemy?

I and My Father are one. — John 10:30

All Christians are one in Christ. But often the world cannot see that unity because believers’ actions and words pit them against one another. A couple of navy stories help illustrate the sad result of internal strife and the positive result of unity.

Two battleships met in the night and began to attack each other. A number of crewmen were severely wounded, and both vessels were damaged. As daylight broke, the sailors discovered that both vessels flew the English flag.

Many years earlier, just before the battle of Trafalgar in 1805, the British naval hero Lord Nelson learned that an admiral and a captain in his fleet were not on good terms. Sending for the two men, he placed the hands of the admiral and the captain together. Then, looking them both in the face, he said, “Look — yonder is the enemy!” Working together, the British fleet won the battle.

Like the men in the first story, Christians sometimes “attack their own ships,” and the victory that could have been won by battling the real enemy is lost. How much better to “keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Eph. 4:3). Let’s concentrate on defeating the enemy — not one another. — Paul R. Van Gorder

Make us one, Lord, make us one

Holy Spirit, make us one.

Let Your love flow so the world will know

We are one in You. — Cymbala

READ: John 17:20-26

God calls His children to unity.

The Bible in one year:

• 2 Chronicles 28-29

• John 17

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