Wonderfully made

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Psalm 139:14

A quote in George MacDonald’s book David Elginbrod speaks to those who wonder, at times, why God has made them the way they are — and who wish they were someone else.

Lady Emily muses: “I wish I were you, Margaret.”

Margaret answers: “If I were you, my lady, I would rather be what God chose to make me than the most glorious creature that I could think of. For to have been thought about — born in God’s thoughts — and then made by God, is the dearest, grandest, most precious thing in all thinking.”

MacDonald may have had Psalm 139:17 in mind: “How precious . . . are Your thoughts to me, O God!” In this psalm, David is thinking about his conception, and vividly describes God’s thoughts as He wove him together in his mother’s womb, creating a unique and special individual to be the object of His love.

It’s a continuing thought to know that we’re not a terrible mistake, but a very special creation, “born in God’s thoughts.” David could stand before a mirror and say in all honesty and humility: “ I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works” (v. 14).

You are a designer original! As such, you are dear, grand, and precious to God. — David Roper

Of all creation’s treasure’s rare,

Not one compares in worth with man;

In God’s own image he was made

To fill a place in His great plan. — D. De Haan

READ: Psalm 139:7-16

You are one of a kind — designed to glorify God as only you can.

The Bible in one year:

• Genesis 43-45

• Matthew 12:24-50

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