We believe

Blessed be the God . . . (who) has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.     —  1 Peter 1:3

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina put New Orleans underwater. But an unlikely event gave the city a new lease on life just 17 months later. The New Orleans Saints, a perennially woeful football team, made a run at the Super Bowl championship. The whole region grasped the excitement. Signs saying “We Believe” reflected a new day.

Commenting on the phenomenon, producer Quint Davis said, “When the season is over, the miles of devastation are still going to be devastated.” But he added, “If this can happen for New Orleans, this miracle, then anything can happen for New Orleans.”

The Saints fell one game short, but the idea remained enticing. An “impossibility” had so captured the hearts of a people, they began thinking anything was possible.

In an infinitely more important way, this is what we have in Jesus’ bodily resurrection from the dead. Christ defeated death on mortality’s own turf, declaring the power of God to give us new life and hope. Paul wrote, “He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you” (Rom. 8:11).

No other event in human history is more significant. No other event is so full of immediate hope and ultimate victory for the saints in Christ Jesus.   — Mart De Haan

Jesus Christ today is risen,

And o’er death triumphant reigns;

He has burst the grave’s strong prison,

Leading sin herself in chains. — Luther


READ: Romans 8:11-18

Christ’s resurrection is the bud of promises . . . our resurrection is the flower of fulfillment.

The Bible in one year:

• John 11-15

• Proverbs 5:1-14

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