Orphans and widows

Visit orphans and widows in their trouble. — James 1:27

My commute to work is about 25 minutes, and so to pass the time I have become an avid listener of audio books. Recently, I was listening to Charles Dickens’ classic novel Oliver Twist. At one point in the story, I had to stop the tape because it was too disturbing. Although I knew the book would have a happy ending, there was something very troubling about the brutal treatment of this poor orphan.

God cares about the plight of the poor and has a special place in His heart for orphans and widows. Malachi wrote that God would judge those who, having no fear of God exploits widows and orphans (3:5).

Instead of taking advantage of the weak, we as Christians are admonished to help those in need. Believers should care for those God cares about. We should look for opportunities to provide financial and emotional support for those who have had a spouse or been orphaned from a parent’s care.

Do you know a widow who needs your help? Do you know an orphan or child who has been deprived of the support of a parent because of death, divorce, military service or abandonment?

As James tells us, a mark of true spirituality is to “visit orphans and widows in their trouble” (1:27). — Dennis Fisher

Open my eyes, Lord, to people around me,

Help me to see them as You do above;

Give me the wisdom and strength to take action,

So others may see the depth of Your love. — K. De Haan

READ: Malachi 3:1-6

The more Christ’s love grows in us, the more His love flows from us.

The Bible in one year:

• Isaiah 39-40

• Colossians 4

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