God’s to-do list

Make mention that [God’s] name is exalted. – Isaiah 12:4

God has a to-do list, which, according to Max Lucado in his book It’s Not About Me, consists of one item: "Reveal My glory."

The Lord reveals Himself and His glory through creation. But He also does it in various ways through His people. In the book of 1 Peter, we see that God has made us "a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people." As we tell others that He has called us "out of darkness into His marvelous light" and shown us mercy (2:9-10), He receives the glory that is due to Him alone.

Through our trials, Jesus receives praise, honor, and glory as our faith is "tested by fire" (1:6-7). People are watching us, and when they see us resisting temptation some will "glorify God" (2:12).

We also point others to Him when we obey laws and authority "for the Lord’s sake" (2:13). And through using the gifts and abilities God has given us to serve others, He is "glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever" (4:11).

The Lord says, "My glory I will not give to another" (Isaiah 42:8). If God’s number-one priority is to reveal His glory, our privilege and responsibility as His people is to reflect that glory. – Anne Cetas

Help us not to cloud God’s glory

Nor with self His light do dim;

May each thought to Christ be captive,

Emptied to be filled with Him. – Anon.

READ: 1 Peter 2:9-17

The goodness of God reveals His glory.

The Bible in one year:

• Jeremiah 1-2

• 1 Timothy 3

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