If you love someone who struggles with a substance-abuse problem, you know that your emotions and his can be like riding a rollercoaster up and down. Today he wants help; tomorrow hes drinking or is high on drugs again. Today shes being honest; tomorrow shes running from the truth.
The Holy Spirit helps us learn how to love people like that, even in their sins and struggles. Here are a few principles we can put into practice:
Treat the person with respect. Be gentle when trying to restore him (Galatians 6:1). But dont do for him what he should do for himself. Dont get in the way of the consequences that God can use to bring change.
Remember that you do not have the power to change another person. Instead, ask God to help you become the person He wants you to be (vv. 4-5).
Reach out in love. Seek Gods wisdom in what to say and do in each encounter (James 1:5). Then rebuke or be silent in love.
Depend on God. You will make mistakes. But anchor yourself in Gods Word and continually commit yourself and your loved one to the Lord in prayer (Philippians 4:6).
Making some of these choices can help to slow down the rollercoaster ride of changing emotions. Anne
Love is an attitude, love is a prayer
For someone in sorrow, a heart in despair;
Love is goodwill for the gain of another,
Love suffers long with the fault of a brother. Anon.
READ: Galatians 6:1-10
Love helps people even when it hurts.
The Bible in one year:
Joshua 1-3
Mark 16