Life’s seasons

By You I have been upheld from birth . . . My praise shall be continually of You. – Psalm 71:6

When we are young, we can’t wait to grow up. When we are old, we look back longingly to former years. But God intends that we joyfully take each season of life as it comes. Whatever our age, He imparts what we need to be all that we can be. He asks us to commit our way to Him and accept the struggles He allows and the strength He provides.

A woman who was facing the difficulties of aging asked Bible teacher J. Robertson McQuilkin, "Why does God let us get old and weak?" McQuilkin replied, "I think God has planned the strength and beauty of youth to be physical. But the strength and beauty of old age is spiritual. We gradually lose the strength and beauty that is temporary so we’ll be sure to concentrate on the strength and beauty that is forever. And so we’ll be eager to leave the temporary, deteriorating part of us and be truly homesick for our eternal home. If we stayed young and strong and beautiful, we might never want to leave."

Are you in life’s springtime? Trust God’s timing to fulfill your dreams. Are you in life’s summer or autumn? Face your daily challenges head-on. And if you feel winter’s chill, draw close to the Lord. His presence can make every season of life one of strength and beauty. – Dennis De Haan

Only this hour is mine, Lord –

May it be used for Thee;

May every passing moment

Count for eternity. – Christiansen

READ: Psalm 71:1-21

Whatever the season of life, attitude makes all the difference.

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