Remote control

Walk as children of light . . . , finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. – Ephesians 5:8,10

Flick. "That’s tonight at 8 on ABC." Flick. "A high pressure system is moving in." Flick. "He kicked the ball wide of the goal!" Flick. "I’ll take ‘World History’ for $600, Alex." Flick. "In the news today. . ." Flick!

What’s happening? It’s a TV viewer giving the thumb a good workout with the remote control, looking for something to watch, filtering through the maze of choices.

Each time we stop on a channel, we’ve made a choice. We’ve made a decision to allow that program to influence us in some way. But have we been discerning? Are we using our time wisely and beneficially? Will what we watch build us up or tear us down? These are vital questions for the Christian, for we have been told to do all things for God’s glory (1 CORINTHIANS 10:31).

One set of guidelines is outlined in EPHESIANS 5. We are to steer clear of immorality, filthiness, foolish talking, coarse jesting (vv. 3-4). And we are to have no "fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness" nor "speak of those things which are done by them in secret" (vv. 11-12).

We need to keep learning what is "acceptable to the Lord" (v. 10). And sometimes that means taking the remote and clicking the TV off. – J. David Branon

Take heed to what you see and hear,

For it affects your soul;

Be sure it’s pleasing to the Lord

And that He’s in control. – Fitzhugh


The best TV guide is the Bible.

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