They’re after our children

She is more precious than rubies, and all the things you may desire cannot compare with her. – Proverbs 3:15

Advertisers are after our young people. They are increasingly targeting their messages to children. Because of the strong influence they have on the purchasing habits of their parents, and because they have an increasing buying power of their own, millions of dollars are being spent to get their attention. People in the advertising business are convinced that a young, satisfied consumer could become a lifelong customer – eager to buy their products far into the future.

In a similar way, we need to be influencing our young people to "buy into" the good things God has in store for them throughout all of life. According to PROVERBS 3, some fantastic possibilities lie ahead for the young person who chooses God’s way: long life and peace (v. 2), favor in the sight of God and man (v. 4), direction from God (v. 6), health and strength (v. 8), abundance (v. 10), happiness (v. 13). The person who trusts, honors, and fears the Lord finds wisdom – an incomparable prize (v. 15).

The world spends millions convincing our children that they can’t be happy without a certain kind of shoe. How much more we have to offer them by showing them that happiness comes by walking with God! – J. David Branon

We can help our precious children

Follow in God’s way,

Living out our faith with gladness,

Praying every day. – SPER

Read: Proverbs 3:1-18

What we leave in our children is more important than what we leave to them.

The Bible in one year:


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