The hypocrite excuse

The rest . . . also played the hypocrite with him. – Galatians 2:13

I have a neighbor who can’t stand hypocrites. In fact, he tells me that he stopped going to church because he saw too many hypocrites there.

He’s not alone. That’s one of the most popular reasons people give for rejecting Christianity. My neighbor is right – there are too many hypocrites in the church.

The problem of hypocrisy, though, is not the issue to pursue with people who reject the gospel. The key is validity Does the presence of hypocrites in the church invalidate the gospel message?

In today’s Bible reading, Paul accused Peter of hypocrisy (GALATIANS 2:13). Did that invalidate the gospel Peter preached? Some people may think so, perhaps because they expect Christians to be perfect. What might surprise them, however, is that Jesus Himself warned against and condemned hypocrisy (MATTHEW 6:1-18; 23-13-33). He hates it more than they do.

That brings us to a key point: The validity of Christianity is not based on imperfect Christians but on the perfect Christ. Therefore, if a person could show that Jesus was a hypocrite, he would have an argument. But that’s impossible. Jesus was sinless and without fault (JOHN 8:46; HEBREWS 4:15).

Jesus is the answer to the hypocrite excuse. – J. David Branon

Lord, help me make my witness clear,

And labor faithfully,

So friends and neighbors turn to Christ

Through what they hear from me. – Anon.


Instead of looking at hypocrites, look at Jesus.

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