Is faithfulness enough?

I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" – Isaiah 6:8

A young missionary in Central America was tempted to give up. He wrote to friends and family, "I go about on fishing boats through the day. At night I sleep on piles of hides on the deck. The people do not seem to be interested in the gospel message I bring. Sometimes the adversary tempts me to discouragement in the face of seeming lack of success." But then he added, "I take courage and press on anew as I remember that God does not hold me responsible for success but for faithfulness."

The prophet ISAIAH also may have been tempted to give up his difficult assignment. The Lord told him that the result of his efforts would be that the people would hear but not understand, and see but not perceive (ISAIAH 6:9). Their hearts would be dull, their ears heavy, and their eyes shut (v. 10).

Put yourself in the shoes of ISAIAH or that missionary. Would you have pressed on or given up? Is faithfulness enough, or do you think your work must be recognized as successful before you feel satisfied in serving the Lord?

The prophet and the missionary did what God asked them to do. They preached God’s Word and trusted in His purposes. You too can be a faithful servant. Do your best and leave the results in the hands of the Lord. – Albert Lee

Oh, let us be faithful to Jesus,

The faith we confessed let’s renew,

And ask Him this question each morning;

"Lord, what will You have me to do?" – Pangborn


The world crowns success;

God crowns faithfulness.

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