A wish for the aged

Do not cast me off in the time of old age; do not forsake me when my strength fails. – Psalm 71:9

"As a white candle in a holy place, so is the beauty of an aged face." This line form a poem by Joseph Campbell applies to people who have served the Lord all their lives and are still bearing fruit in old age.

Behind the aged face of a long-time Christian are memories of family and friends. Wrinkles stand for earnest times of prayer, loving care, and decades of useful work. The beauty is no longer the skin-deep charm of youth but the time-honored loveliness of a life well-lived.

My wife ministers to some beautiful aged people like that as a nurse in a rest home. They are special people, like the man who gives her a weather report each night she works and the women who continue to serve God as prayer warriors.

But the elderly are not always appreciated. Unscrupulous people force them to live in wretched conditions. One politician has said that they should "die and get out of the way". Others suggest that they are an unnecessary burden. As Christians, we must resist this trend and work to reverse it. Many of these precious people feel rejected and abandoned.

Let’s care for the aged and love them in Jesus’ name. God can use us to encourage those who pray, "Do not cast me off in the time of old age. – J. David Branon

The older saints who trust God’s Word

Have trod the paths that you will walk;

They’ve fought the battles you will fight –

There’s truth and wisdom in their talk. –J. David Branon

READ: PSALM 71:9-18

Kindness to the elderly brightens their sunset years.

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