Rough going

In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. – John 16:33

There’s a lake near our home in the mountains that is known for good fishing. To get there, I had to hike two miles up a steep ridge – a hard climb for an old-timer like me. But then I discovered that it’s possible to drive within a half-mile of the lake. I spent most of a day driving several mountain roads until I found the one that got me the closest. Then I carefully mapped the road so I could find it again.

Several months later, I drove the road again. I came to a section that was much worse than I remembered – rocky, rutted, and steep. I wondered if I had missed a turn, so I stopped and checked my map. There, penciled alongside the stretch on which I was driving, were the words: "Rough and steep. Hard going." I was on the right road.

Jesus said that our life’s journey will be rough going if we choose to follow Him. "In the world you will have tribulation" (JOHN 16:33). So we shouldn’t be surprised if our path becomes difficult, nor should we believe we’ve taken a wrong turn. We can "be of good cheer" because Jesus also said that in Him we can have peace, for He has "overcome the world" (v. 33).

If you’re following Christ and experiencing some bumpy times, take heart – you’re on the right road! – David H. Roper

I know not if tomorrow’s way

Be steep or rough;

But when Christ’s hand is guiding me,

That is enough. – Anon.

READ: JOHN 16:19-33

Following Jesus is always right – but not always easy.

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