Wind and worship

Job arose, tore his robe, and shaved his head; and he fell to the ground and worshipped. – Job 1:20

Job’s calamities were enormous. His oxen and donkeys were stolen. Fire consumed his sheep. Raiders took his camels. But that was just the beginning. A great wind destroyed the house where his sons and daughters were feasting, and they all perished. His loss seemed unbearable! But notice Job’s response. He humbled himself and worshipped God (Job 1:20)

On April 2, 1977, the sky north of Olivet, Michigan, grew black and ominous. Just another severe thunderstorm, thought Norm Heddon. But when pressure began building in his ears, he instinctively rushed down the basement stairs – which took about five seconds. Then it happened – his house exploded into thousands of pieces from a killer tornado. Minutes later when Norm emerged, he couldn’t believe his eyes. All his earthly goods had been swept away, but miraculously his family was unhurt. Bowing in prayer, they thanked God for His goodness. Heddon said, " He has a hand in everything that happens to us."

How can anyone worship while caught up in the fierce winds of adversity? The answer is clear: By anchoring our faith in the love and wisdom of God, we can say through our tears, " The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord" (v.21).

– Dennis J. De Haan

Thinking It Over

Do you feel abandoned by God, as Job did?

Tell Him how you feel. Then ask Him to help you believe

the truth about His love for you.

READ: Job 1:6-12

When you are swept off your feet, land on your knees.

The Bible in one year:

• Job 25-27

• Acts 12

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