Intel PH promotes interactive learning

MANILA, Philippines - Intel Philippines launched its Classroom Solutions Bundle to promote interactive learning environments in schools.

Schools will be given a package than contains a content microserver, 25 to 40 Intel-powered devices and Starter Content Kit which includes Intel Education Resources for teachers.

A content microserver is a device that can be connected to computing devices and contains preloaded educational content and online Math and Science education resource. The system can be accessed by students and teachers without internet access.

 "We are excited to bring this new Classroom Solutions Bundle to classrooms throughout the country. We've always wanted to make the best technology accessible to the next generation, and now, with our partners, we can reach a wider audience than ever before," Intel Philippines Business Development Manager Carlo Subido, said.

Intel Philippines has an education mission "to create technology that helps students improve their communication, critical thinking, problem solving, and digital literacy."

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