EDITORIAL - Inspiration from Ninoy

The nation marks the 38th anniversary of the murder of Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Jr. today with an additional sad note: the recent death of his only son, former president Benigno “Noynoy” III.

Two Aquino presidencies failed to officially establish who ordered the assassination of Ninoy and the person tagged by the Marcos dictatorship as the gunman, Rolando Galman. Noynoy Aquino had bewailed that two crimes were committed: the twin murders and the subsequent cover-up, which he said continued long after the death of Ferdinand Marcos.

While the dictatorship collapsed and Marcos died in exile, he is now buried in the heroes’ cemetery as he had wished. His family has managed an impressive political comeback, and his widow, after several stints as an elected lawmaker, remains out of jail despite being convicted of corruption.

The political party that Ninoy Aquino co-founded with Aquilino Pimentel Jr. is currently the ruling party, but it would probably be unrecognizable to the two freedom fighters.

What survives is the democracy that they fought so hard to restore. The democracy remains fragile; its institutions remain weak, and civil liberties are constantly under threat. Still, Filipinos’ eternal vigilance has thwarted attempts to restore authoritarian measures.

Apart from the struggle for freedom, Ninoy Aquino’s life and the aftermath of his assassination also offer inspiration as the nation battles an unprecedented public health crisis. His killing galvanized a movement for change that culminated in a peaceful revolt, dramatizing to the world what unity and people power could achieve.

Rising above oneself and thinking of the greater good underpin calls to strictly abide by health safety protocols and to get vaccinated against COVID-19. This is to protect not only oneself but also others; we heal as one. There are no VIP exemptions from COVID; the coronavirus infects anyone, whether a mass gathering is held in the slums or in an exclusive getaway of the privileged.

Like the battle against COVID, the effort to protect the nation’s hard-won freedom continues. The anniversary of Ninoy Aquino’s murder is a good time to reaffirm the commitment to the effort.

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