An active civil society

It’s all about good governance as people often say and while this is true, people also tend to forget the role of civil society in good governance. As members of a democratic society, and while most of us love to watch and keep an eye out on how our government performs, we fail to remember that we too have a responsible role.

Civil society is very instrumental in making people aware about the role of government and our actions can only be applied through knowledge and an awareness on public issues and functions of the state. More often than not, I have said, and perhaps even a few times too many, that government cannot do everything all on its own.

It is in this same regard that we ought to realize how the participation of the private sector has helped much of society, especially in the midst of a pandemic. I would suppose we can also say that many others have greatly raised the bar in terms of social responsibility and these very same people are also contributors from the private sector who fully understand that good governance comes with accountability, even as members of civil society.

The process in good governance looks into the results that address the needs of the people and make the best out of what they have within their disposal. This process is inclusive, transparent and accountable and only through an informed citizenry can we make liable whatever is done in the name of the public.

An active citizenry is critical in helping people become aware of the value of the rule of law and appraising government institutions on the importance of their respective roles in ensuring the rule of law. Civil society must be a proactive one that is both responsible and an informed one because we too play a part in effective and sustainable public policies.

Our government always calls on us the people and this call must always be answered, whether in our small communities or in the institutions that we serve. Civil society is a full partner in good governance, therefore we must help our government as our government ought to help us.

The participation of civil society is the essence of good governance and the responsibility comes both from the government as well as the people it governs.

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