Sovereignty and respect

By now we know that each state is free to direct its own fate. This sums up in a nutshell what sovereignty means. It gives the full right and power of a governing body over itself and without being interfered upon by outside sources.

History teaches us that for hundreds of years, the Filipino has fought for freedom and democracy, and while we ought to have the proper regard for our heritage, this must go hand in hand with respect for our own sovereignty.

To this day, it still amazes me how some prefer to look outside of ourselves in reference to the way we exercise our own authority. This clearly demonstrates the need to learn once and for all the purpose of government which mainly focuses on securing the rights of the people.

When we speak about sovereignty, we must also understand that the powers of government are derived from the consent of the people who are the governed. And, while interdependence sovereignty is also of importance, domestic sovereignty must take first place.

The Philippines has within itself the characteristics that make up a sovereign state. Our population, territory, government and international relations clearly define this and we are neither dependent or subjected to the powers of any other state. This is why it is compelling that we Filipinos respect the sovereignty of our nation. When climate activist Greta Thunberg urged support for environmental activists in the Philippines to reverse the anti-terror law by signing the petition, social media had a “heyday” with netizens advising the young activist to simply mind her own business. While I for one do not particularly enjoy bashing, I must admit that I fully delighted myself in the reactions of most of our kababayans who at the very least understand that respect for our country’s sovereign rights comes first.

It was very apparent on social media that meddling in the politics of another country does not sit well with the majority of Filipinos. And certainly it was genuinely pleasant to see the overwhelming reactions of netizens, whose primary motivation on the matter was founded on respect. Yet, and as I mentioned earlier, there are still some who seem to place foreign opinion at the forefront of our own rightful dominion, thus completely misunderstanding or perhaps, even confusing the purpose of interdependent nations and their relationship with respect to one another. As for Greta, she is young and needs guidance. As for the few, however, an education is necessary in order to fully comprehend that foreign relations help strengthen our economy through shared goals. But the purpose of every country to begin with is to uphold the rights of the people first so as to achieve peace. If peace is what we want, then, certainly we will agree that respect for our own boundaries and jurisdiction will take precedence, no matter how bumpy the ride may be.

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