Amid terror talks, please review these precautions

In 2002 Iraq leader Saddam Hussein began rewarding $25,000 to families of Islamist suicide bombers. That set analysts studying what prodded devotees to strap body bombs for self-explosion in crowds. “Mujahideen” were profiled as youths 16-35, in or have gone to at least high school, with working or middle class roots. Radicalized by actual or online study groups to believe that the west and democracy oppress Islam, they searched to destroy the masterminds. Targets included churches, temples, military camps, mass transports, malls, monuments, concert parks, sports stadiums, bars, and carnivals.

Filipinos think themselves insulated from suicidal extremism. It’s supposedly acultural. Racist jokes persist of the Pinoy roaring “Mabuhay ang Pilipinas!” while pushing a foreigner into sacrificial death.

But now come findings that one of two suicide attackers of an Army bivouac in Sulu was a 22-year-old Muslim local. Claiming his remains, his mother said he was a runaway battered son of a carpenter. That doesn’t say much about motive for martyrdom by mass murder. But authorities worry about copycats. Under review are tales of Taosug “juramentados” in the early 1900s tying “kris” to hand and charging American colonizers. Mindanao’s borders remain porous to Filipino-looking Southeast Asian bombing trainers.

Danger lurks. Citizens need instruction on dealing with suspicious persons, packages, or vehicles; detecting potential dangers; and avoiding deaths and injuries. Most basic are calling the police in emergencies, crawling away from fires, and run-hide-fight sequential reactions to shootings. Let me rerun some dos and don’ts amidst terror threats, from Gotcha of Sept. 2016, culled from security experts. State information agencies can help spread the word:

Work, play, pray as usual. But be alert. Terrorists want to disrupt our way of life. Don’t let them. They intend to do it on the sly. Detect them. Their acts and threats must not scare us. Let us show each other and them that we are unfazed.

Go as usual to our offices, schools, malls, cinemas, restaurants, stadiums, churches, mosques. Be safety-conscious. Know where the security personnel, fire alarms, and emergency exits are.

 If you see someone acting suspicious, or a bag left unattended, report it to the police or security guards. Do not play hero by confronting the person or inspecting the bag. You may only get yourself and others into trouble.

Suspicious behavior and circumstances: persons in buildings or areas who do not appear to be conducting legitimate business; those monitoring areas, buildings, or entrances; unauthorized presence in restricted, sensitive, or private areas; those photographing critical facilities; those asking details about physical security with no apparent need for it; persons wearing clothing inconsistent with the weather (bulky coat on warm day, etc.); abandoned parcels or other items in unusual locations or high-traffic areas; persons attempting to trespass water, electrical, petroleum, or telecom utility facilities.

Be alert to abandoned vehicles; unexpected/unfamiliar delivery trucks; unfamiliar vehicles parked for long periods; vehicles containing unusual/suspicious parcels or material; vehicles arriving and being left behind at odd hours; substances leaking or spilling from vehicles. Airports, seaports, bus and train stations may tighten security. They’re for our own good. Bear with them. Arrive earlier than usual.

Stay indoors or away from crowds not out of fear, but because we need to rest, or avoid traffic and needlessly spend.

 Refuse packages that are unexpected. Report suspicious packages to the police. Look out for: excessive postage; oily spots; protruding wires; heavy for its size; handwritten confidential notice.

 The police and military may set up checkpoints. Cooperate; be courteous and cheerful as they do their jobs.

If we are responsible for building or office security: Don’t prop open building/residence hall entrance doors/window. Rectify these situations when we observe them. Account for and secure sensitive material/information when not able to attend to it. Account for and secure sensitive deliveries in a timely manner. Secure all areas when not attended. Be aware of unfamiliar persons in or visitors to our office/lab. Protect access codes, combinations, and cards; change codes regularly. Report compromised codes to the person in charge. Be prepared: take time out to familiarize ourselves with building evacuation plans/routes. Report suspicious tampering with physical security (doors, locks, etc.). Talk with co-workers; know what is out of place (like unclaimed items).

If an attack occurs, lie flat on the floor, rest on your stomach, and try to protect the heart and head. Or hide behind any solid object that might protect us from gunfire. Stay put until the danger passes. If we have to move, do it on our stomach. When it’s safe to get up, leave the area right away. Hold the hands above our head to show we are unarmed and uninvolved in the attacks.

Additional safety measures: Closely monitor news reports and emergency alert systems on radio/TV. Expect delays, searches of bags, restricted access to public buildings, and traffic. Do not expect VIP treatment; in the eyes of others we can just be troublemakers. Take personal security precautions to avoid becoming a victim of crime or terrorist attack. Do not travel into areas affected by the attack or is an expected terrorist target. Keep emergency supplies accessible. Be prepared to evacuate our home or shelter on order of local authorities. Develop and review family emergency plans. Be prepared for disasters. Assist neighbors who may need help. Avoid passing unsubstantiated info and rumors. Take first-aid and CPR classes. Learn what critical facilities and specific hazards are in our community. Increase individual or family emergency preparedness through training; maintaining good physical fitness and health; and storing food, water, and emergency supplies. Keep recommended immunizations up to date. Know how to turn off power, gas, and water service to our houses. Volunteer to assist and support community emergency response units.

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Catch Sapol radio show, Saturdays, 8-10 a.m., DWIZ, (882-AM).

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