A new day, a new war

This is a letter for all of us who fought hard during the 2016 elections:

A lot has happened in the two years that passed. We have started a battle toward a cleaner and more transparent government. Indeed, a lot of positive changes have taken place, but to be blunt, some of the efforts to spark change have also turned out to be disappointing.

This may be because many of those who were with us back then have been swallowed alive by the same system that we intended to change. Some of these people were very close to the President during the campaign period, but now they have gone corrupt. While others were already sacked from their positions, to be honest, a few are still in their posts. They became adept in playing the game of corruption, pocketing small amounts to avoid suspicion.

When I first joined the government, a lot of people and groups started coming to me to endorse their projects. They assured me that I would have a “gift” for every project I relay to the President.

They tried to justify their actions by saying that this is a normal practice in the government, and that the kickbacks are not as high as they were during the previous administration. But honestly, no matter how big or small, corruption is corruption.

It really disgusts me whenever someone tries to convince me to endorse a project to the government. This is what we were fighting against back then. We want to achieve a CLEAN GOVERNMENT, and this is precisely why we voted for President Duterte. We want a better Philippines, not a continuation of a flawed system we are strongly trying to eliminate. The president himself said that there are instances when he already feels tired because of the intense corruption in the government. This is the BITTER TRUTH because a lot of thieves are still lurking in the government.

So what can we do? We must think carefully in the coming 2019 elections.

I admit, a lot of people are still persuading me to run for office, but I have already decided back then that I will not be running due to the following reasons:

First, the people who were convincing me to run do not really believe in my abilities. They just want me to help them establish themselves on Social Media. They believe that the Mocha Uson Blog served as one of the major voices during the campaign last 2016 elections. They want me as an ally hoping that I will turn a blind eye in respect for that “alliance.” This is something I will never do. I will not campaign for the sake of mere political alliance. We must remember that we voted for President Duterte, and not his political party. Neither did we vote for him because of that political party.

The truth is, there are a lot of pretentious individuals and groups who are clinging to the President to fulfill their own agenda. They do not have the slightest care or concern for the welfare of our fellow Filipinos in need. So, no, I WILL NOT BE PLAYING THEIR GAME. I will never campaign for such politicians.

Second, the people who want me to run for office in 2019 are those who think it would be easy to win by simply riding on the president’s popularity. Anyone he endorses has the greatest chances of winning.

But this isn’t the reason we supported PRRD. We did not support him for our own personal gains. Or to boost our political careers, if any. 

These people still don’t get it: President Duterte won because the nation is sick, tired, and angry at traditional politicians. Yet they want to remake me to be like them.

I will never use President Duterte for my own interest because that is what we fought against back in 2016. We were so angry at Mar Roxas back then because of his Trapo ways. We cannot follow the same path.

While I am new to politics, I can say that I remain true to the fight we started in 2016. I have nothing to hide, and I remain an ally of the President. Being an ally means refusing opportunism and taking advantage of his power.

What we need in the Senate are men and women who share Duterte’s ideals and vision. People who do not care what the elite and elitists say, but instead focus on public service. We need people who do not put their principles to compromise, who do not dance to the beat of the trapos. We need people who will fight for the needs of our nation, people who are not blinded by money and power. Most of all, we need men and women who are not sleazy turncoats.

The biggest question however is, is the country still awake? The realization of bitter truths has led voters to place Duterte in the presidency. Yet many who accompanied the President on the journey to Malacañang have become intoxicated because their cravings for power and money have been satisfied.

To those who are still awake, I urge you to campaign for people who truly serve the voiceless, not just those who are allies of PRRD. Let’s avoid the Trapos, the hypocrites, and those who have done nothing significant during their time in office. Rather, let’s push for people who are true and sincere when it comes to public service. Those who know the meaning of transparency and accountability. Those who share President Duterte’s ideals for the nation.

Fake “change” has to stop.

The fight for REAL CHANGE meanwhile, continues.

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