EDITORIAL - Faith and hospitality

The greatest story ever told was set in an environment of fear, intolerance, hatred and deadly violence. As the biblical story goes, the Blessed Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ in a humble Bethlehem manger after evading the forces that King Herod had ordered to slaughter all first-born sons. The Rome-appointed Herod had ordered the infanticide after being informed by the traveling Magi that a boy born to the Jews would fulfill an Old Testament prophecy and become king.

As in many other biblical accounts, there are those who question the accuracy of the so-called Massacre of the Innocents. But such stories are a matter of faith, and Christians today celebrate the miracle of the immaculate conception and birth of Jesus Christ, safe from Herod’s murderous horde.

Also celebrated is the principal message of Jesus Christ, which is to love one another. His teaching has been celebrated in song and other forms of art, and has never lost its relevance every Christmas. This message of love together with the virtues of faith, hope and charity give the Christmas season that unique magical air. This is the season when even the darkness is seen not as an oppressive presence, but as the best backdrop to emphasize the brilliance of the stars.

Filipinos, who take pride in their hospitality and humanity, draw strength from their faith, from offering hope and charity to the needy and seemingly hopeless. The Catholic Church is calling on the Filipino faithful to let that innate hospitality shine this Christmas. As families and friends gather today, those virtues can be revitalized. Today we find strength in togetherness, confident in the belief that love conquers hate and fear.

May you all enjoy the blessings of Christmas!

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