Thoughts to guide us by (For November 2016)

Amid whatever losses and misfortune suffered from the past, we can find solace and comfort among one another – to ease pains, relieve grief, and be God’s bridge to others – through compassion with action. A cheerful ray of life, a blessing to fellow life pilgrims!

Turn to God to carry us through. As He holds the universe, He holds us, too. Though the challenging situations that confront us each day may overwhelm us, and at times seem much too much to bear – know that He is far greater than our greatest problems. He can turn even the most-defying situations into possibilities and opportunities. Keep believing!  Keep trusting!

Treat adversities as challenges… they help instill discipline and develop patience in us. Certain situations we may not be able to change, but our attitude towards them definitely we can. Though the path may be rocky, tough, and strewn with thorns, never give up!  They shall come to pass! Tomorrow is another day, a better day – to rise and be back to life, again. To forgive, forget, find humor in life, and laugh again… much more.  Hoho, hahaha!

Peace and abundance to us all!

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