Government meddling – cause of many ills

Current events convince me even more that with less regulation and interference by our government, public service will be more efficient, there will be less corruption, and the lives of most Filipinos will be much better off, in terms of peace and order, justice and prosperity. In fact with the kind of government we now have, I am beginning to believe that running the affairs of the state will improve a lot if it is in the hands of the private sector because the community spirit among the citizens will be intensified.

Very noteworthy and striking in this regard is the recent incident involving 83-year-old retired Manila Archbishop Emeritus, Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales who untangled a traffic gridlock after coming from Mass at the Padre Pio Shrine in Sto. Tomas, Batangas and returning to his retirement home for priests in Lipa, Batangas, last Sunday. The Octogenarian prelate had to get out of his car in the midst of pouring rain as he was caught in a 200-vehicle pile-up. Walking along the long line of cars, he saw five vehicles blocking the traffic as they were going the wrong way. So he approached one of the drivers, talked to him and eventually managed to make the five vehicles move and give way. Thus the intersection was opened and traffic flow once more.

This incident just goes to prove that we really don’t need the hundreds of thousands of traffic enforcers especially along EDSA in Metro Manila. They all disappear anyway during bad weather. And even if they are around, they are more concerned about making kotong for concocted or minor traffic violations like color-coding or defective license plates.

What we need are civic-spirited citizens who are ready and willing to untangle traffic gridlocks like what Cardinal Rosales did. I am sure there are plenty of them especially in times of emergency. To be sure, under the present worsening traffic situation, most of our countrymen especially in traffic prone areas, may be awakened and realize that there is some truth to Luis Antonio Cardinal “Chito” Tagle’s observation that “Ang ating traffic po ay larawan din ng ating pag-uugali.” Most of us may be challenged and thus erase the several doubts raised by the good Cardinal about our perceived pag-uugali, and prove to him that: Tayo ay mapagbigay; tayo ay hindi mainitin ang ulo; tayo ay hindi laging nag-uunahan; at tayo ay may kakayahang magbigayan.

 Our civic-minded citizens may indeed be aroused by the reality that based on the study of the National Economic Development Authority (NEDA), the economic losses due to heavy traffic in Metro Manila could balloon to P6 billion a day by 2030 from the current P2.4 billion. And the worst part of this analysis is that the lower income sector of our society will be the hardest hit when traffic congestion worsens by 2030 as they will spend no less than 20% of their income for transport.

Too much meddling by the government is indeed the cause of rampant corruption. Specifically, the government agencies most involved in the current happenings which concretely confirm this observation are the Land Transportation and Franchising Regulatory Board (LTFRB), the Land Transportation Office (LTO), Metro Rail Transport Authority (MRTA), Light Rail Transport Authority (LRTA) of the Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC); and the Bureau of Customs (BOC) of the Department of Finance (DOF).  

The traffic mess especially at EDSA is obviously due to the several irregularities and corrupt practices in those agencies under DOTC. The trains were initially conceived precisely to ease the traffic at EDSA as it was supposed to absorb the passengers taking the bus and thus reduce the number of buses plying the route. But for “thousands and even millions reasons” the LTFRB still continued to indiscriminately issue franchises to numerous bus operators. Thus the number of buses plying the route even increased. And because of mismanagement and anomalous maintenance of the trains by the MRTA and the LRTA, passengers somehow are still forced to take the bus, making the bus operations in EDSA still viable.

What makes matters worse is the recent move of the LTFRB to regulate the operations of some private sectors which have vastly improved the taxi service especially in terms of safety and efficiency. It has required these operators particularly the UBER, and Grab taxi to get a franchise first before continuing its operation. Being subjected to government regulations and obtaining permits, franchises, and licenses entailing time and red tapes, these private operators will again be forced to spend money for “facilitation fee.”

The most recent government move that raised a lot of complaints and indignation among our citizens is the recent decision of the Bureau of Customs to conduct random inspection of balikbayan  boxes allegedly for purposes of strictly enforcing its rules that “the value and contents of each box shall not exceed $500 and that only non-commercial goods or goods not in commercial quantity which are strictly for personal use, such as wearing apparel, clothing, food, grocery items and canned goods are allowed.” Hundreds of thousands of Filipinos here and abroad have expressed their indignation over this move especially because it is common knowledge that the BOC has been remiss in its duty to catch big time smugglers. Instead it is picking on our OFWs who have been forced to work abroad and suffer the pains of separation from their families because of lack of jobs here.

The growing public perception in these happenings is that the poor is not only being neglected but also being discriminated against; that our kind of government is really promoting compartmentalized justice. Even the Supreme Court is not spared of this accusation with its recent ruling allowing Senator Enrile to be released on bail of P1.5 million mainly because of his frail health and his being no flight risk. Enrile is charged with the crime of plunder which is bailable only if the evidence of guilt is not strong. Citing another ground not provided by law somehow bolsters the impression that our government is pro-rich and anti-poor. Indeed only rich accused like Enrile could use this SC ruling because poor inmates with failing health who are accused of the same crime cannot post such amount of bail and be set free.

Now we know the main cause of the many ills in our country.

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